Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Though I am delighted that we managed to get through Sandy without more than a flicker of the lights, I am so saddened by the devastation that other people are experiencing.

Today at my daughter's school, they celebrate "Crazy Hat Day" instead of dressing up for Halloween.  I miss the days of the costume parade, but I'm glad that they still get to do something anyway.

I recently became my daughter's class room parent.  In a weird twist of events, I was given this job late last week and had a whole 5 days (with a hurricane in there) to plan the class party.

One of the parents had very nicely sent in a craft kit for the kids, so they will be doing that.  The other room parent and I organized the snack, which was no small feat since we have a list of allergies a mile long.  I am pretty sure that what they have today for a snack is what they will be having for every party.  I don't think we have too many options.

So it was up to me to come up with an activity or another craft. I attempted to go to a few craft stores, but they were wiped out and what they did have seemed too young for a bunch of savvy second graders.

I looked around my house and saw my kids' bowling set.  I cannot remember who gave it to us, but it's one of the best toys my kids have.  It's made of a dense foam, but has a nice flat plastic bottom on the pins.  My kids always struggled to make the plastic bowling sets stand and work and this set works like a charm.

Anytime we've taken it out, it's been a huge hit.  So I decided to take a white plastic table cloth, cut it up, and cover the pins like ghosts.  My daughter helped me secure the pieces on the pins with rubber bands and then we drew faces on them.

With the ball, I wrapped it up with gauze and added a couple of googly eyes so it looks like a mummy head.

I hope the kids like it.  I am fully aware that it has the potential of becoming a madhouse activity, but I also figure they're going to be nuts anyway, they might as well have fun.

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